Author: TheCanadianReport
- Six students arrested, charged in St. Michael’s investigation
- Gender identity theory up for debate: PCs
- Cost of removing Sir John A. Macdonald statue pegged at $30,000
- Anti-Abortion Activists Want Ford To Use Notwithstanding Clause On Sex Ed
- USS Truman carrier and strike force bound for waters off Syria amid Russian naval buildup
- Next Canadian federal election will be target for Russian meddling: Sajjan
- Brexit chaos explained: Confidence vote looms for Theresa May | Ezra Levant
- Theresa May: Brexit won’t be easier if I’m ousted
- CPC Supports UN Global Migration Compact (& More)
- 24 Sussex Drive, the rundown official residence of Canada’s prime minister
- WaPo: Why are Canadian politicians obsessed with changing the voting system?
- Halifax discretely hosts Foreign Affairs and Defense Conference
- Canada seeks strategic allies as U.S.-China trade war dominates APEC
- ‘Christ’ is back in Christmas at B.C. mall that didn’t like it when Salvation Army carollers sang about Jesus
- Fast times for the diplomatic corps: Bad behaviour includes stunt, impaired driving
- ‘Quebec is an embarrassment’: Province urged to do more on cybersecurity
- Politics ‘on the edge of dysfunction’, says former PM Harper
- Pakistan’s Christians live in state of fear after blasphemy row
- A new ‘arms race’: How the U.S. military is spending millions to fight fake images
- Pence-Xi Showdown at APEC Shows U.S.-China Divide Only Widening
- ‘We will not be dictated to’: Legault warns as Ottawa threatens Quebec over health care
- Ontario Terror Sanctions Act one step closer to becoming law
- Russian aggression and cyberwarfare key issues for Canada to confront: Sajjan
- Canada’s Trudeau uses Trump card to attack Scheer
- The Terrible Truth About the UN Migration Compact
- Dozens arrested after climate protest blocks five London bridges
- Angry Tijuana Residents Push Back Against Migrant Caravan: ‘This Is An Invasion’
- ‘Sexsomnia’ defence expected in Ontario sexual assault trial
- Union representing Canadian journalists declares itself the resistance to Andrew Scheer
- Federal government diverting veterans in crisis away from emergency fund, say outside agencies
- Struggling NDP could be the biggest worry for federal Tories as House returns
- China ‘has taken the gloves off’ in its thefts of U.S. technology secrets
- TAR SANDS OPERATIONS Now Losing Billions A Month
- Feds have spent $8.4 million on artificial intelligence since 2015
- The Ledge: Church and state in Alberta politics
- Defence minister confirms Mali mission will not be extended
- ‘Of Fathers and Sons,’ a bleak look at children training for jihad
- Here is just a partial list of serial child sex offenders set free by the Canadian justice system