Author: TheCanadianReport
- Air Canada passengers describe chaos after 37 injured in turbulence
- Triggered Dad Ditches Son’s Patriotic MAGA-Themed Wedding
- Canada calls for more women in Ukrainian politics
- Next PM to quicken or quell Senator independence, with nearly a quarter set to retire next Parliament
- Trump Was ‘Only One’ To Help Prosecutor In 2009 Epstein Case
- Historic Chemtrails Lawsuit Filed In Canada
Conservative trans Elle speaks out against DRAG KIDS (sexualizing children)
- Bots tweeting about Toronto’s Sidewalk Labs project raise disinformation red flags
- California Becomes First State To Give Illegal Immigrants Government Healthcare
- LILLEY: McCallum calls on China to interfere in Canada’s election
- Man miraculously survives plunge over Niagara Falls
- You can do it! Scientists find urging yourself on in the second person is the key to sporting success
- Banned Chinese Security Cameras Are Almost Impossible to Remove
- Beijing should avoid ‘punishing’ Canada over Huawei case, cautions Ottawa’s ex-ambassador to China
- Twitter Goes Down Amid Social Media Summit
- New Finnish Study Finds No Evidence For Man-Made Climate Change
- ‘Turbulent times’: Journalists seek international funding for embattled industry
- Tommy Robinson jailed for nine months over contempt of court
- Epstein Case Has The Potential To Be The Biggest Scandal In American History
- Rosie O’Donnell to Joe Biden: ‘Your Time Has Passed, Sit This One Out’
- Gilles Duceppe’s family seeks $1.1M in damages from seniors’ residence after mother found dead in snow
- Halifax surgeon warns a ‘tsunami’ of health needs is coming
- Facebook Deletes Policy Allowing Violent Threats Against “Dangerous Individuals”
- Ezra Levant: “A lot of weirdness” at Defend Media Freedom Conference in London, UK
- Report: China Mass Breeding Lions, Tigers for ‘Traditional Medicine’ Organ Harvesting
- Twitter bans ‘dehumanizing’ posts toward religious groups
- UN Launches All-out War on Free Speech
- Video: CNN Analyst Says Young People Need To Be “Trained” To “Do Away With” Conservative Media
- This is where Trudeau went wrong in foreign policy — romanticism over realism
- At ‘Defend Media Freedom’ Conference, Big Sister Chrystia Freeland Tries Blocking Two Canadian Journalists From Asking Questions
- SEA STANDOFF Five Iranian boats ‘try to seize British oil tanker’ – forcing Royal Navy to ‘train weapons and warn them to back off’
- Ilhan Omar Slams America to 400 High School Students as “Unjust … We’re not in our America yet.”
- UK’s Trump-Hating Ambassador Resigns After Leaks
- Trudeau needs to get ‘Buy America’ exemption to stave off job losses: premiers
- Elon Musk Wants to Hook Human Brains to Computers for Superhuman Abilities
- The Trudeau PMO Is Spreading Disinformation Online
- LEAK: Googlers Petition “to end Google’s business with Breitbart,” One Thousand Employees Co-Signed
- CLOCKING OFF: The Norwegian island where the sun shines 24 hours a day and locals want to BAN TIME
- Colombian Bishop will take to the skies to exorcise entire city
- Here are the rules for when Canadians will learn about election interference attempts