Author: jakki
- FDA “turned a blind eye” on covid injections data
- COVID boosters 18 times more dangerous for young people than the virus itself
- No science to back WHO propoganda video claiming people opposed to COVID jabs are ‘anti-science’ –
- Bill Gates Planning ‘Catastrophic Contagion’ That Kills ‘Millions of Children’
- Trudeau claims Sovereignty Act created to ‘pick a fight’ with the federal gov’t
- Navy SEAL now detransitioning warns gender ideology is a ‘cult’
- Stable Cancers Are Rapidly Progressing in ‘Boosted’ People
- Covid ‘Vaccines’ Are The Reason People Are Sick this Winter
- Covid jab spike proteins cause lymphocytes to ‘chew a hole in the aorta’
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- “I Will DIE Fighting for My Beloved Brazil” – President Bolsonaro Vows To Destroy NWO- Brazilian Military Begin Executing Lula da Silva Officials
- Mattel releases American Girl Doll book urging young girls to take puberty blockers without parental consent
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- Is the CCP harvesting data from “smart” appliances?
- In Memo Trudeau expressed concern over lack of censorship on social media
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- Three Journalists Have Died Suddenly at FIFA World Cup But Nobody is Allowed to Ask Why
- BlackRock warns ‘NWO Agenda’ will lead to greater economic instability
- Central banks race to implement new digital currencies as cities activate “smart” infrastructure
- Covid ‘Vaccinated’ People Are a Health Threat to the Unvaxxed
- Exposure to 5G radio frequencies causes depression; Study
- Vanguard bows out of woke climate alliance
- Scientists Capture “Flash of Light” That Occurs At Conception!
- U of Alberta identifies Alien Minerals On African Crashed Meteorite
- New Zealand kidnaps transplant baby whose parents refused vaxxed blood transfusion
Proof That China Paid Trudeau
- Wokeism: Cambridge Dictionary redefines ‘man’ and ‘woman’ to include ‘trans’ people
- Danielle Smith vows to fight Trudeau’s ‘absurd’ plastics ban
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- BitChute’s Bank Accounts Have Been Frozen And Suspended In Attempt To End Platform
- Self-checkouts CRAWLING with fecal matter
- DARPA Came Up With mRNA Vaccines In 2012…Not Pfizer or Moderna
- ‘Pure Blood’ Movement
- Canada To Begin Euthanizing Clinically Depressed People To Save Money- Follow the Money ...
- Pope Francis describes gloomy future for mankind
- World Health Organization Admits WEF Orchestrated Global Lockdowns as Part of ‘Great Reset’ Agenda
- Xi Jinping Calls For Oil Trade In Yuan
- Musk drops ‘Twitter Files 2.0’,
- Exposing the Trudeau government corruption and treason