- ABV disease (Anything But Vaccines) is causing people to DROP DEAD everywhere
- World Data; Covid Jab is Dangerous and Deadly
- U.S. government, CDC colluded with BIG TECH to censor ‘Plandemic’ agenda
- Brain injuries from COVID ‘vaccines’ outnumber all other vaccine injuries combined
- OUTDATED GERM THEORY: The COVID virus fraud is tragic, criminal, murderous, stupid … and farcical
- The Fraud Will Not Stay Hidden; Big Pharma Panicking- CDC, FDA & NIH Scientists Embarrassed By Lack of Science
- How Fauci’s Wife Rigged COVID Trials For Children
- Pharmacology, Psychiatry, Vaccine Science Published Research is a Complete Fraud
- “This is the WORST Crime Ever Committed on Humanity”
- “Fraudci” calls for more harmful COVID mandates and lockdowns
- It’s Happening: Constant sirens, ‘vaccine’ injuries and deaths in Canada
- WHO Declares Global MONKEYPOX High Alert Health Emergency- Unelected Dr. Tedros decrees,
- Despite Warnings of New Wave, Canadians’ Support for COVID-19 Mandates Plunges
- Lab Tries to Isolate Sars-Cov-2, ‘DOES NOT EXIST’!
- Pfizer Board Member Predicts Monkeypox Will Become a ‘Public Health Failure’
- Nutrient profiling system ratings claims processed GMO junk food is healthier than meat- Elitists’ goal: Wipe out good food
- Newfoundland to start vaccinating kids against COVID-19
- Judge: What’s in there? … Pfizer and Moderna can’t hide this anymore …
- Within 2 Weeks – 5th GTA Doctor Dead from Covid Jab
- Fired Canadian pilot has ‘direct’ proof jab injuries happening among peersVaccine-Injured Pilots Speak Out
- Propagandists selling “Novavax” as HERBAL medicine; public has lost faith in deceptive Big Pharma
- Official Who Authorized COVID Vaccines in Canada Not Consulted on Mandate
- The future of COVID vaccines could be sprays, not shots
- Another Fauci flip: We were ‘always aware’ of natural immunity to COVID
- WHO admits we’re all vaccine guinea pigs in a “clinical trial”
- Forced Jabs are a Risk to Human Genome: Established Illegal in Italian Court
- Evidence Suggests 19 Year Old Was Killed By COVID Treatment Protocols
- Pfizer To Make $54 Billion Off Treating COVID Over & Over
- Mom Jabbed: Newborn baby suffers blood clots in womb; arm AMPUTATED
- Nothing to See Here: Sixth Canadian Doctor Dies Suddenly
- Government Confession: Fully Jabbed Account for 90% of Covid Deaths
- Tucker Calson Calls out Covid Jabs; Millions Have been Harmed
- U of T vaccine mandate to return in fall, boosters required to live on campus
- Why is monkeypox in countries ONLY where Pfizer’s jab was distributed?- Real science determines that monkeypox lives in bodily fluids
- “Woke” researchers won’t admit monkey pox is ‘gay male sex’ virus- The ‘child Monkeypox explosion’ will reveal the pedophilia epidemic
- HYPER sensitivity to POX, allergies and food toxins caused by COVID jabs
- German Chemist killed warning humanity about DEADLY graphene hydroxide nano razors
- Powerful Documentary “Uninformed Consent” Shreds the Plandemic
- WEF Chairman Klaus Schwab Threatens People Over Vaccines, “Nobody will be safe …”
- “Fully Vaccinated” now account for 92% of COVID Deaths across Canada