Tag: big pharma
- VACCINE HOLOCAUST: Hundreds of thousands of ‘fully vaccinated’ people are dying WEEKLY
- Babies, toddlers suffer “systemic reaction” after COVID-19 jab
- Embalmers find FOOTLONG clots in dead bodies of the fully vaccinated
- Pharmacology, Psychiatry, Vaccine Science Published Research is a Complete Fraud
- Powerful Documentary “Uninformed Consent” Shreds the Plandemic
- New COVID-19 vaccines will be designed for “immune imprinting,” leading to more vaccinated people getting sick and dying
- EXPOSED: Big Pharma owns drug regulators across the world
- LIVESTREAM: World’s largest medical conference skeptical of Dr. Fauci and Big Pharma
- The Reason Big Pharma Is Desperate to Get the Jab Into Babies
- It’s “Moneypox” for Bill Gates: warns of “Plandemic” of monkeypox terror attack
- PHARMA SNAKES: Thirteen FACTS about snake venom, Big Pharma and biological weapons
- Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine alters DNA within 6 HOURS
- Fragmented, low-integrity mRNA now being blamed for covid jab problems
- Brain injuries from COVID ‘vaccines’ outnumber all other vaccine injuries combined
- Big Pharma’s Murderous Antidepressant Scheme Exposed
- Within five years, 1 in 30 children now considered autistic
- FDA’s “future framework” can let Big Pharma bypass testing for vaccine efficacy and safety
- Doctor Blows Whistle on Chemotherapy.
- Half Of The World Rivers Contaminated By BIG PHARMA Drugs
- Big Pharma Boss Caught FAKING His COVID Vax Status; Now Facing Criminal Charges
- A nice little earner: the invention of diseases
- For by thy ‘pharmakeia’ were ALL nations deceived. Rev18:23
- CDC admits KILLER BATCHES of COVID-19 shots are still given to the public
- Propagandists selling “Novavax” as HERBAL medicine; public has lost faith in deceptive Big Pharma
- Big Pharma jacked up drug prices 1,186 times in 2022 alone
- Unknown hepatitis outbreak among children a result of AstraZeneca’s COVID jab
- Now it’s the “ninja” variant of COVID they want you to be scared of
- Can’t Win: : ‘Protecting Children’ from Vaccine Injuries Actually Protects Big Pharma
- WTF? – WHO Recommends New Gates-Funded Polio Vaccine to Address Vaccine-Derived Polio Outbreak in U.K.
- From SIDS to SADS: How Big Pharma mucks with stats to hide its killings
- The truth about Big Pharma and engineered bioweaponsWhy Are Globalists And Governments So Desperate For 100% Vaccination Rates?