Tag: conspiracy
- Tucker Carlson on Conditioning Americans to passively accept ELECTION THEFT
- CNN advises people to feed their pets INSECTS to solve “climate change”
- Pfizer CEO backs out of testifying at EU Parliament after reports of backdoor dealings
- Wuhan Institute of Virology vice-director EXPOSED as CCP official overseeing biosafety
- WEF; “billions” of sheeple will comply with new globalist “social credit scheme”
- Fragmented, low-integrity mRNA now being blamed for covid jab problems
- Tech billionaires are buying up large-scale bunkers and survival gear
- “Woke” researchers won’t admit monkey pox is ‘gay male sex’ virus- The ‘child Monkeypox explosion’ will reveal the pedophilia epidemic
- NIH a money laundering front for bioweapons programs in China
- CDC now pushing FOURTH covid shot, with no end in sight
- IBM, which helped exterminate Jews in the Third Reich, celebrates LGBT genital mutilation of children
- Real food for me, but only bugs for thee; Globalist Hypocrisy
- COVID jabs destroy sperm motility, cause spontaneous abortions, damage women’s ovaries
- New Italian prime minister puts globalist elite ‘New World Order’ agenda on notice
- 162 Scientists who used to work for a top US nuclear research base now work for the CCP
- Alex Jones’ ‘Great Reset’ book hits #1
- Massive Coverup? FDA refusing to provide key covid “vaccine” safety analyses
- Panama becomes next nation to uprise and collapse
- Canada’s TC Energy shifts blame following power failure in South Dakota
- New COVID-19 vaccines will be designed for “immune imprinting,” leading to more vaccinated people getting sick and dying
- Food factories are mysteriously burning to the ground internationally, too
- Ukrainian government planning nuclear ‘dirty bomb’ false flag to blame on Russia
- America’s diesel inventory now stands at LESS THAN ONE MONTH
- Gates Foundation is researching how to manipulate you into taking ‘future’ COVID vaccines
- Babies, toddlers suffer “systemic reaction” after COVID-19 jab
- Transgender quackery exposed as “child abuse”
- CDC admits KILLER BATCHES of COVID-19 shots are still given to the public
- Propagandists selling “Novavax” as HERBAL medicine; public has lost faith in deceptive Big Pharma
- Problem for EV market as EU lawmakers pushing to classify lithium as hazardous substance
- International group funded by Bill Gates warns that one of 11 new viruses will become “next pandemic”
- Peter Daszak’s latest grift allegedly involves isolating new coronavirus strains alongside Kremlin-backed researchers