Tag: Covid
- The Deadliest Disease Known to Man Is Ignorance
- The Medical Rebel – Dr. Lee Merritt
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- LETHAL INJECTIONS: 18% of cattle DIE immediately following mRNA “vaccination”
- Bill Gates brags about ordering Trump not to investigate covid vaccine dangers – TWICE
- COVID Outbreak Is Part Of The Pentagon’s Biowarfare Plan
- Sri Lanka: Social Credit style control as COVID QR codes now being used to RATION FUEL
- Canadian gold medal figure skater willing to ‘lose everything’ to fight COVID narrative
- COVID Vaccines Alter Women’s Periods
- DEATH SHOTS: Canadian data show that COVID “vaccines” INCREASE the risk of death from covid
- Ontario backs off aggressive COVID push, now recommends weighing risks before getting shots
- CDC now pushing FOURTH covid shot, with no end in sight
- PCR Tests are FAKE
- Coming to Canada? … Electronic TAGS on COVID patients to keep them at home
- Slap in the Pface: Pfizer CEO claims covid here to stay.
- oops, sorry!
- Informed women REJECT sex with vaccinated men to protect themselves from spike protein bioweapons
- Are mRNA covid ‘jabs’ really tech implants for Global enslavement/genocide?
- Fragmented, low-integrity mRNA now being blamed for covid jab problems
- German Hospital Federation Demands Withdrawal of Vaccination Mandate After Massive Side Effects Revealed
- “Fully Vaccinated” now account for 92% of COVID Deaths across Canada
- CBC admits that natural immunity is essential
- The Corrupt Billionaire Agenda; Covid Virus is Nothing but a Seasonal Flu”
- “Biggest Fraud in Medical History” SARS-CoV-2 (Covid 19) Still Has Not Been Isolated? Does the Virus Exist?
- Calgary firefighters launch $38 million lawsuit against city and fire department over COVID jab mandates
- FDA’s “future framework” can let Big Pharma bypass testing for vaccine efficacy and safety
- Now it’s the “ninja” variant of COVID they want you to be scared of
- Drone Patent Uncovered That Sprays Deadly Toxins
- EVERYONE who gets mRNA jabbed for covid suffers heart injury
- CONFIRMED – COVID is Man-Made- Documents were published confirming Moderna created the COVID Virus
- VACCINE HOLOCAUST: Hundreds of thousands of ‘fully vaccinated’ people are dying WEEKLY
- FINALLY, CDC says covid jabs causing myocarditis isn’t ‘misinformation’
- Why is monkeypox in countries ONLY where Pfizer’s jab was distributed?- Real science determines that monkeypox lives in bodily fluids
- Lab Tries to Isolate Sars-Cov-2, ‘DOES NOT EXIST’!
- Unknown hepatitis outbreak among children a result of AstraZeneca’s COVID jab
- Nearly all of the government’s COVID information websites are secret SPYING operations
- New COVID-19 vaccines will be designed for “immune imprinting,” leading to more vaccinated people getting sick and dying
- Canada approves experimental COVID jab for 6-month-old children- Top Vacinne Expert Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche warns 'end of humanity'
- The Vaccinated are developing AIDS
- Governments that mandated deadly jabs now blaming DOCTORS for not telling patients about the risks