Tag: Evil
- The Covid Cult’s 6 Ways of Genocide by Forced-Vaccination
- UNTOUCHABLE PEDO EMPIRE: JPMorgan Chase flagged in suspicious Jeffrey Epstein transfers
- Navy SEAL now detransitioning warns gender ideology is a ‘cult’
- WEF Yuval Noah Harari calls for “mass extinction event” to usher in Great Reset
- Gays and lesbians have had ENOUGH of the crazed, child-mutilating transgender lunatics
- Marvel Comics homosexual Spiderman character latest effort to indoctrinate youth into satanic, self-mutilating LGBT lifestyles
- Maui victims being ARRESTED for trying to return to their own homes
- Child Star Bella Thorne Exposes Perverted Hollywood Elites
- WOKE is BROKE: Disney begins mass layoffs after pushing trans-everything
- ORGAN HARVESTING FACTORIES: artificial wombs to synthetically grow human embryos
- Planned Parenthood is selling aborted baby tissue to communist China to develop bioweapons
- STRIKING AT GLOBALIST EVIL: Georgia Guidestones Partially Destroyed
- Gates: DESTRUCTION OF ALL TREES to stop “global warming”
- Globalists want to “upgrade” human bodies by Transhuman “designer baby” genetic technology
- Transgender quackery exposed as “child abuse”
- CIA-owned Wikipedia uses CENSORSHIP AI to rule the Meta-verse
- The True Evil Behind America’s Mass School Shootings