Tag: global warming
- Off to Prison for British ‘Climate Crisis’ Naysayers
- EU climate extremists reach “carbon zero” agreement to shut down Europe’s economy
- Facebook censoring climate-related posts that don’t follow their narrative of LIES
- Climate Alarmists In Their Own Words: “Climate Change” is a hoax
- Greenpeace Co-Founder: Fake Science Used to Force Global Warming Narrative
- Gates: DESTRUCTION OF ALL TREES to stop “global warming”
- Globalists want to close airports to achieve “climate change” targets
- Irony – German Greens praying for a warmer winter to survive energy crisis.
- Climate Scientist Warns of Anarchy From Delusional “Net Zero” Policies – Humans Cause Less Than 0.05°C of Global Warming
- Global Warming: Climate Scientist Warns ‘Next 20-30 Years Will Be COLD’