Tag: green tyranny
- Off to Prison for British ‘Climate Crisis’ Naysayers
- EU climate extremists reach “carbon zero” agreement to shut down Europe’s economy
- Facebook censoring climate-related posts that don’t follow their narrative of LIES
- Lithium batteries used in EVs and other “green” technology are anything but clean
- Overnight charging of EVs destabilizes America’s power grid
- Climate crazies now pushing recycled SEWAGE as drinking water
- Problem for EV market as EU lawmakers pushing to classify lithium as hazardous substance
- Driver for Davos VIP attendees reveals he was prohibited from using electric cars
- Globalists want to close airports to achieve “climate change” targets
- U.N. Depopulating the planet by OUTLAWING fossil fuels
- America’s diesel inventory now stands at LESS THAN ONE MONTH
- Why is Belgium shutting down nuclear power plants in the middle of an energy crisis?
- Climate change has nothing to do with man, just a ‘gravy train’ to make money
- European farmers protest spread to Poland and Italy in huge backlash against the globalists’ depopulation and starvation schemes- More Europen Farmers Fight Back
- A WOKE new North America – The Three Amigos’ ‘Six Pillars’
- Vanguard bows out of woke climate alliance
- Real food for me, but only bugs for thee; Globalist Hypocrisy
- German protesters: “Without Russian gas, our economy will be dead!”
- Without fossil fuel, there’ll be no more fertilizer to grow food
- Czech President blames “green fanaticism” for energy crisis