Tag: mask mandates
- Family of Canadian woman sues security guards, hospital where she died after COVID mask incident
- Fauci crying about ‘lowlife’ trolls harassing his family over Covid Policies
- Ontario’s medical chief spotted at party without mask just days after advising the public to wear one
- Canadian nurses board declines to discipline member who opposed tyrannical COVID restrictions
- Chris Sky: WARNING – They’re Threatening with Mask Mandates Again!
- How Masks Make You Sick Instead of Protecting You
- Covidiocy: Ontario school board to defy province and keep mask mandates, against government wishes
- Alberta says no way it’s returning to masks and lockdowns
- Fauci pushed for mask mandates even after stating they were ‘Ineffective’
- How COVID Became the Path to Global Financial Surveillance
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- Covid-Hypocrite Pope Francis and his lame-stream media friends fly maskless, despite mask mandates
- The European Parliament recognizes the status of guinea pig and in France the caterpillar starts again…