Tag: Pfizer
- Pfizer-EU COVID Vaccine Deal Messages Mysteriously Disappears
- Reiner Füllmich & 50 Lawyers: ‘The Vaccines Are Designed to Kill and Depopulate the Planet’
- Finally Proven: Pfizer Vaccine Causes COVID Reinfections, Disables Natural Immunity!- Top Scientists and Doctors Demand Immediate Stop to All Covid Jabs
- The Vaccines Are Designed to Kill; “Different Batches” and “Lethal Doses”(video)
- Pfizer Tells Federal Judge that Pfizer Owns the Federal Government and thereby Immune to Normal Contract Law
- Big Pharma Conglomerate with a Criminal Record: Pfizer “Takes Over” the EU Vaccine Market. 1.8 Billion Doses
- Here we go again! US secures 105 million Covid-19 vaccines doses from Pfizer and BioNTech
- Facebook’s audit director and marketing leads ALL used to work at Pfizer
- More than a dozen “smoking guns” indicate Pfizer Phase 3 trial not properly conducted: investigation required.- 95% efficacy claim does not stand up for Pfizer trails
- “Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda” film exposes WHO for engaging in vaccine “population control experiment”
- Whisteblower’s Lawyer: Pfizer Got Away With Vaccine Fraud Because U.S. Government Was Co-Conspirator
- Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine sales to reach $65 BILLION
- The Reason Big Pharma Is Desperate to Get the Jab Into Babies
- Pfizer Classified Nearly All ‘Severe Adverse Events’ During Vaxx Trials ‘Not Related to Shots’
- Follow the Patents, Then You Will Understand Covid – video
- TOP SECRET Pfizer Docs Expose Depopulation Agenda- Demographers Warn Of Impending Population Collapse- Pfizer Vaccine Clinical Trials Fraud
- Secret deal that could let Pfizer get away with Covid fraud
- Pfizer jabs coming for 5 to 11 year-olds coming, Trudeau says