Tag: research
- VAIDS in Children caused by Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine
- Study finds that chlorine dioxide destroys gender-bender herbicide atrazine in water
- Preprint censorship makes it impossible to publish paper that questions covid
- Self-checkouts CRAWLING with fecal matter
- Dangers of childhood vaccines’ toxicity exposed – research killed
- Why is monkeypox in countries ONLY where Pfizer’s jab was distributed?- Real science determines that monkeypox lives in bodily fluids
- Jabbed Kids are 135 times more likely to die of COVID than unjabbed
- EXPOSED: Big Pharma owns drug regulators across the world
- FICTION: COVID Asymptomless carrier
- New Zealand government to prohibit use of natural health products
- Natural immunity provides better protection against COVID than the shots
- FTX was HEAVY into funding vaccine research, biotech engineering and other globalist depopulation agendas
- Mainstream science is FAKE science: ‘manipulated’ studies to be RETRACTED
- “Woke” researchers won’t admit monkey pox is ‘gay male sex’ virus- The ‘child Monkeypox explosion’ will reveal the pedophilia epidemic
- How Masks Make You Sick Instead of Protecting You
- Pfizer classified nearly every severe adverse reaction during covid vaccine trials as “not related to shots”
- The Covid virus itself was not a factor in spike of excess mortality
- Researchers discovered 74 metric tonnes of microplastics in Auckland’s atmosphere
- Tampons, including “organic” brands, contain toxic chemicals
- Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine alters DNA within 6 HOURS
- Emails Show NIH Officials Repeatedly Warned EcoHealth About Gain-Of-Function Research Violations
- World Health Organization Issues New Gender Guidance: ‘Sex Is Not Limited To Male Or Female’
- FAKE NEWS EXPOSED: Multiple media attacks on ‘anti-vaxxers’ were all LIES