Tag: transhumanism
- ‘Smart Dust’ Spying on Your Brain
- Ecuadorian man changes gender to “female” to gain custody of children
- WEF uses “public health safety” to impose “mark of the beast” technology
- Putin calls gender fluidity propaganda a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY
- Army research into nanotechnology and quantum mechanics similar to what’s now being put into “vaccines”
- Globalists have “technological Noah’s Ark” to escape mass extinction event they’re unleashing
- The ‘Great’ Reset is DEAD – Someone just needs to tell the puppets!- Dutch Political Party: 'Reject WEF, Great Reset and Their Transhumanist Agenda' (Video)
- FLASHBACK to 2016: Klaus Schwab says humans will have a chip implanted in their brain or skin within 10 years
- You’ll Be Transhuman Whether You Like It Or Not
- Transhumanism and The Spiritual Battle For Humanity
- Transhumanism. They are trying to live for 20,000 years.
- Hackable humans at WEF: ‘We can decode faces in your mind, your PIN number to your bank account’
- Globalists want to “upgrade” human bodies by Transhuman “designer baby” genetic technology
- Manufactured Dystopia – Globalists Keep Hacking Humans
- Would you take this Mark of the Beast brain implant in exchange for a shrunken brain tumor?
- Are mRNA covid ‘jabs’ really tech implants for Global enslavement/genocide?
- What are the Scientists at CERN really looking for? – Part 1CON-CERN Erupts Over Large Hadron Collider - Part 2
- Transhumanism here we come. Beware the Beast.
- How It All Fits Together: Covid, 5G, Nanotech, Transhumanism & Charles Lieber.
- Canada explores transhuman society
- Klaus Schwab: Great Reset Will “Lead to a Fusion of Our Physical, Digital and Biological Identity”
- Study finds that chlorine dioxide destroys gender-bender herbicide atrazine in water
- WOKE FAIL: Mars celebrates new “all-female” M&Ms: lesbian and fat
- Navy SEAL now detransitioning warns gender ideology is a ‘cult’
- Two mutilated trans SUING doctors; will litigation end the trans fad?
- WEF Yuval Noah Harari calls for “mass extinction event” to usher in Great Reset
- Transgender quackery exposed as “child abuse”
- Transhumans are racing to create Humanity 2.0
- IBM, which helped exterminate Jews in the Third Reich, celebrates LGBT genital mutilation of children
- HACKING HUMANS: How Transhumanism & Pharmakeia will rule and eliminate free will
- Former VP Of Pfizer Says The Government Is Lying and they want a DIGITAL I.D. System In Place