Tag: US
- How USA Destroyed The Nordstream 2 Pipeline
- “Rules Based World Order” Ends With Rothschilds Trying To Offer $ Trillions In Exchange For Amnesty
- Court Orders CDC to Release Data Showing 18 Million Vaccine Injuries in America
- Biden Expected to Seize Emergency Powers by End of Week
- World Health Organization Issues New Gender Guidance: ‘Sex Is Not Limited To Male Or Female’
- NATO boss lets the cat out of the bag: US has been preparing since 2014 to use Ukraine for proxy conflict with Russia
- U.S. Military Destroys Child Trafficing Tunnels in South Carolina
- As Anti-Russia Sanctions Bite, G7 States to Try Preserve ‘Unity’ on Ukraine at Summit
- The Dollar is a Dead Parrot .. Still Nailed to its Perch
- US Biolabs Experimented Neuromodulators On Socially Vulnerable Ukrainians
- Pentagon FINALLY admits to 46 Biolabs In Ukraine; some partnered with WHO.
- RED ALERT: Russia and China planning simultaneous attack to ELIMINATE the United States and occupy North America- US issues nuclear warning to North Korea
- In 2016, the US committed to arming Ukraine to fight Russia; it was not wanted and prepared by Moscow, but by Washington.
- A WOKE new North America – The Three Amigos’ ‘Six Pillars’
- China Operating 54 Illegal Police Stations In 30 Countries
- NEW BORDER CRISIS: U.S. border town overwhelmed with angry ArriveCAN-rejected travellers
- Why are US Natural Gas Facilities Exploding? Multiple Fires in Recent Days
- Europe moves closer to the brink of total collapse after Russia’s Putin bans all exports to ‘unfriendly countries’
- Assange Makes Last-Ditch Appeal Against US Extradition
- Turkey Agrees To Back Finland, Sweden NATO Bid – US Claims It Offered ‘No Concessions’
- BlackRock Sells Out US Interests For ‘Personal Favors’ In China, Consumer Group Director Says
- Roe Vs Wade Repealed: Canada To Become Abortion Capital Of The World?
- ‘The Late Show’ Team Arrested by US Capitol Police
- DISMANTLING AMERICA: Another Massive oil refinery to shut down amid record-high gas prices
- Major Global Economic Crash is Coming!
- WHO Power Grab Thwarted
- BREAKING: All U.S. Flights Halted! Now slowly resumed.
- Wait! Dictator Trudeau did What? FBI helped
- U.S. Government Accidentally Reveals Evidence of Top-Secret Mind Control Weapons
- Putin Offers Full Citizenship To All Ukrainians
- Going Stealth: Oil shippers are hiding Russian crude by ‘going dark’
- Hunter Biden’s laptop contained contacts of Google officials, US officials for China policy
- Russia, in Default on Sovereign Debt, Blames US for Blocking Payments
- Software Legend, Murder Suspect John McAfee’s Corpse Still In Morgue Year After Alleged Suicide
- Putin Declares Victory Over New World Order – ‘Change of Elites’ Coming – Humanity Has ‘Woken Up’- Russia’s New Rules
- The ‘Great’ Reset is DEAD – Someone just needs to tell the puppets!- Dutch Political Party: 'Reject WEF, Great Reset and Their Transhumanist Agenda' (Video)
- NSA director says US involved in offensive cyberwar ops against Russia
- ‘Most Secure Election in US History’ Was a Lie – Report on Dominion Voting Machines Proves