Tag: #waronchristianity
- Nigeria Church Attack: Gunmen attack a catholic church, kill at least 50 worshippers- Nigeria in utter COLLAPSE, Islamic Terrorism to blame
- Archaeologists find cave, then realize 70,000 Christians may have hidden in biggest underground city on Earth
- Christian Canada Must Organize Their Communities Politically–And Fast
- It’s a Sign 🌤
- Boko Haram Jihadists Behead Catholic Bride and Bridal Party
- Protestants under attack in Mexican community
- Canada’s war on Christian rights
- Places of Worship in Ontario Given ‘Arbitrary and Unequal’ Treatment Throughout Pandemic: Think Tank
- Christianity Outlawed & Criminalized In Victoria, Australia
- Trudeau: ‘Normal Christmas Is Right out of the Question’ for Canadians
- Chuck Todd Attacks Trump Supporters Who Believe Bible
- Anti-Christian Joy Behar gets disastrous surprise from 30,000 angry viewers
- Trudeau To End “Rule Of Law, Supremacy Of God” Charter Principles
- The Demise Of The Christian Religion In Trudeau’s Canada
- A Global Calamity: 340,000,000 Christians Persecuted
- Report: Anti-Christian Attacks in Europe Rose 285 Percent Since 2008
- In Iran, It Is a Crime to Be a Christian
- Canada must stand with persecuted Christians around the world.